Health Action Partnership Community Collaboration Toolkit
The Health Action Partnership Toolkit provides technical assistance that has been developed from local experiences of a long-term, multi-sector coalition of over 80 agencies. It was developed out of the idea that many community efforts to address health inequities are unsuccessful based on regional divisions, thoughts, resources, traditions and/or other barriers. This resource was designed to assist local communities in building long-term, sustainable collective impact partnerships that foster a local culture of equity and inclusion and improve community health. It is meant to: 1) Assist collaborative partnerships in their efforts to design a local collective impact partnership 2) Adopt a model of shared decision-making 3) Define metrics for success 4) Incorporate guiding principles for advancing health equity and 5) Craft a community health equity report.
Download Your Toolkit for Community Collaboration Here
For more information or questions about the Health Action Partnership Toolkit, please contact
Generous support to create the Health Action Partnership Resource Toolkit was provided by Culture of Health Leaders, a national leadership program supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation dedicated to creating collaborative solutions that address health inequities and move communities and organizations towards a culture of health.
Jefferson County Community Health Equity Report
Preventable differences in the presence of disease, health outcomes, and/or access to health care between population groups are known as health disparities. Health disparities among racial and ethnic minority, socioeconomically disadvantaged, rural, and sexual and gender minority populations are well-documented. In addition, we know that where you live, learn, work and play can powerfully predict who is healthy, who is sick, and who lives longer.
This report updates and expands the first-of-its kind community health equity report of Jefferson County, Alabama that was released in September 2013 by the Jefferson County Collaborative for Health Equity (formerly Jefferson County Place Matters). The current report is intended to inform the public, decision makers, and funders of the greatest health-related needs within our community and highlight ongoing collaborative efforts to improve health and wellbeing. This map-based report provides a snapshot in time of the many factors that influence health and health disparities in our county.
The report focuses on community characteristics such as education, poverty, neighborhood segregation, and healthy food access—that may impact health outcomes and life expectancy. The report is guided by the primary research questions below:
1. What are the demographic characteristics of the population of Jefferson County?
2. What is the distribution of community characteristics and social determinants across Jefferson County?
3. What is the health status of Jefferson County?
4. Does health status vary by census tract?